Happen for Reasons', it is this blog's name. It is named to symbolize
the efforts to understand the qada' and qadar from Allah. It is
absolute, and always will be absolute, that is why it is fundamental
for servants like us to understand its essence, so that we could
complete our level of iman, which is jihad. This blog, this entry
happen for reason, with hope I guess, whatever will it lead I hope it
would be something good. But remember, the only certain and assured
good is Jannah. Do not deviated from any path that would lead you to
it. But be brave to take a distinct path from others. Who knows your
destiny might be out of your equations.
lets talk about answer. 'Answer'. According to Oxford University
Press, answer as a noun is something said, written, or done as a
reaction to a question, statement, or situation. While the second
definition said it is the solution to a problem or dilemma. That is a
citated written definitions of answer but for me I personally take it
as a guidance, hidayah or ilham from Allah. In our life there is a
lot of questionable issues arise from our daily life.
Sciencetifically or methaphysically we have a lot of uncertainties,
that we wish to be fullfilled with answers. Question is also a form
of hidayah. As we know questions arise from our hearts, it is trigger
by doubt, uncertainty, and interest which lead to inquiries, and
Allah has absolute control of our hearts. So questions and answers
actually are ways of Allah conveying messages or knowledge to us.
Where we would ask, acquiring answers and implementing the knowledge
that we gained from the answers to become better human and servant to
why suddenly I have the idea to talk about this, a week ago, I
question that u asked, there must b an answer. Bcoz, Divine answer is
for Divine question. Xkn terfikir manusia perkara di luar kmmpuan”
every question that you asked, there must be an answer to it.
Because, Divine answer is for Divine question. And shall human never
think what is beyond his capabilities.”
dalam Bahasa Melayu,
setiap setiap soalan yang kamu tanya, mesti ada jawapan untuk soalan
tersebut. Kerana jawapan KeTuhanan hanya boleh menjawab soalan
keTuhanan. Sesungguhnya tidak akan manusia terfikir akan sesuatu yang
diluar kemampuan mereka.”
what I wish to say is if you have a question, it is aswerable. Why?
Because you are a human. Human can and must think things that is
within human's capabilities. As we are created by Allah with certain
capabilities. Capabilities are range of possibilities. Say here if we
could give a question then we might find the answer because we are
not meant to ask about something that
is beyond
our capabilities.
every question
we could provide an
answer, as Allah's knowledge is absolute. Yes, Allah's knowledge is
absolute. Allah could answer everything, Divinely or Humanly
questions. As Allah is the one who created the
thus also Allah is the one who has the answers. But
shall we ever ask of something as it is in the scope of only
Allah's knowledge? No. Of course not. So here, any question arised by
human is answerable by human. Let
me provide a application
human actually is like a bridge. Given a bridge that could only
withstand a load of 500GN. If vehicle which its load more than 500GN
go through the bridge, the bridge structure will experience a
failure. The bridge is us, created with 500GN limitation of loadings.
So the vehicles allowed to move on the bridge must have load lower
than 500GN. The bridge is us, the vehicle is question, and the
vehicle passing through the bridge is the answer. For the bridge, the
limitation is controlled by human, the creator of the bridge, and we
humans our limitation of course are controlled by our Creator, Allah.
kind of answer would we have? An answer but not an absolute answer.
What does it means anyway? Well it means our answers are not as
perfect as God's answers. But we would still have our answers and our
questions answered by not an absolute answers. For example,
What would be the best way to travel to another continent?
the year of 1887 the answer would probably will be by steam ship
the year of 1987 the answer would probably will be by aeroplane
answer would vary from time to time. So there is no absolute answer
from us. But still we could provide a suffice answer to answer the
question at that particular time. I once told by a lecturer,
“when we do a calculation to our problem, there is no exact answer, only an estimation, that estimation would be suffice to solve our concern, Allah has made the world so mysterious, without the exact answer. If the exact answer is achievable in the world, then there will be no fun living in this world, but in the hereafter, we shall know the absolute answer”
“when we do a calculation to our problem, there is no exact answer, only an estimation, that estimation would be suffice to solve our concern, Allah has made the world so mysterious, without the exact answer. If the exact answer is achievable in the world, then there will be no fun living in this world, but in the hereafter, we shall know the absolute answer”
a'lam. So from here I have understand that, mystery has drive the
desire to live, to answer our expectations. So if absoluteness of
answer is achievable in this world, life would be meaningless,
because we will achieve a level of accomplishment and satisfaction,
then there will be no drive to continue living in this life.
I have think of a
question, and I have work hard to get the answer, I still didn't
perceive the solution, I dont expect a Divinely answer of course, Im
a human so it is humanly question which humanly answer would be
sufficed to
but still, even humanly answer,
it is not achievable,,”
how would I answer to this kind of expectation? Yes of course, your
question is answerable and might be answered by yourself, or might
not be by yourself. It could be by others. So expecting an answer,
one must consider two factor which is
Capabilities of human
for instance, when you are conducting an experiment in the
you didn't know the result of the experiment not until you have
finished the experiment. But still you would wait until the end of
the experiment because you will know the result after the experiment
ended. So when you started the experiment, you believe that there is
an answer. Because after some times there will be a development from
the experiment. So time is a crucial aspect to find a solution. We
should be patient in finding answer. We have to believe that we shall
perceive the answer. Might not be now, might be later. But for sure
there will be an answer. Capabilities
of human is a wide scope of topic to be elaborated. Insya Allah if we
are given opportunities one day we shall elaborate it but here we
shall consider an aspect of capabilities of human in answering. A
situational example would be helpful to understand it,
is two man who are given same exact complex mathematical problem, and
they are required to solve the problem, one of the man is provided
with scientific calculator”
the man with scientific calculator would have better capability to
solve the problem. Capabilities of human would be with regard to his
physical condition, the knowledge that he acquired and the advance of
technology during his time. Every human are not created with equal
capabilities and obstacles. That is why we have different level of
hell and heaven.
answer is achievable, via many situations, as long it is questioned
by us. But for most important, if it is allowed by Allah, then it
will happen. We shall perceive the answer. Things happen for reasons.
And I believe that, one of the reason why there is a question, that
is because, there is an answer, and it is a must that the answer will
be unveiled, maybe
not to everyone,
maybe not now, but one day and
someone will
for sure.
a'lam. Selamat menyambut Tahun Baru Islam, Awal Muharam.
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