Sunday, 8 March 2015

The Two Mahallahs: Remembrance of a Great Parenting

Mahallah Safiyyah and Mahallah Zubair which only separated
by fences
Mahallah Safiyyah and Mahallah Zubair are the two Mahallahs(hostel residential) that located nearby the main entrance in IIUM Gombak campus. These two mahallahs are identical and a little isolated compared to other mahallahs settlement in IIUM Gombak campus. These two Mahallahs are located next to each other and separated by fences. Mahallah Safiyyah accommodate female degree, master and PhD students of IIUM while Mahallah Zubair accommodate male degree, master and PhD students of IIUM.

Zubair Ibnu Awwam is the first person to draw his sword in the cause of Allah and many more of his bravery during his life time fighting for Islam were told to the nowadays generation. However not many know that Zubair and Safiyyah are related.

Safiyyah is the daughter of Abdulmuttalib ibnu Hashim and  Halah bint Wahb. Safiyyah paternally is the full sister of Hamza Ibnu Abdulmuttalib hence the aunt of Prophet Muhammad SAW. Maternally she is the cousin of Prophet Muhammad SAW's mother, Aminah Binti Wahab. Safiyyah married Awwam Ibnu Khuwaylid which is the brother of Khadijah Binti Khuwaylid, the Prophet Muhammad SAW's first wife. Hence this make Safiyyah Binti Abdulmuttalib is the mother of Zubair Ibnu Awwam.

Safiyyah raised Zubair with a great deal of sense of discipline. Her aim is to make Zubair as a well established warrior. Some of her notable appearance in the history of Islam which told is in the battlefield of Uhud where she came out with spear and humiliate the Muslim soldiers that ran away from the battlefield. She is also the one who killed a jewish spy during the battle of Ahzab.

Zubair Ibnu Awwam is among the ten companions which he is guaranteed to enter Heaven. Throughout the Islam civilization era, he has contributed to a great deal Islam progress mainly in battle field. While his mother, Safiyyah Binti Abdulmutalib is the one who molded him to be a great figure in Islam civilization and is a great factor of Zubair's establishment.

The story of  Zubair RA and his mother Safiyyah RA is a great reminder of the essentiality of a good parenting and what it may promise as a result of good parenting. For these two Mahallahs are a good reminder to their residents of mother-son relationship in Islam prosperity. The story of the name of these two Mahallahs which only located next to each other worth for remembrance.

Allahu a'lam.

(The story told require proper revision as the writer is not from a history studies background, however the good messages are hopefully able to be conveyed)